PosterGate is a professional platform for collecting scientific posters around the world. We will discover, organize and share scientific topics in various disciplines. Our mission is to report the world of science and induce collisions among different ideas.

Here is how it works:

  1. Send us your posters via E-mail (1) Only .ppt and .pdf file types are accepted; .ppt is highly suggested. (2) All the posters should be presented in English. (3) Maximum two pages are accepted. If the poster has two pages, the second page is usually to interpret the research on the first page or introduce your lab. Your funding information, related publications, contact information and authors' photos are encouraged in the poster. (4) Please provide 3-10 keywords to indicate the research areas. (5) The poster might have been published elsewhere, but by submitting your posters to PosterGate, you agree that we have the right to publish the posters anywhere in the future. (6) All authors have seen and approved the poster being submitted. On behalf of all Co-Authors, the Author who submits the poster shall bear full responsibility for the submission.
  2. Our board will review the poster and decide whether it is appropriate for the platform. 
  3. We will classify the posters based on the research topics. Each poster will be given a specific number like a paper in scientific journals. Then people around the world can cite your posters as citing a journal paper. 
  4. We will publish the posters on different platforms. Your researches and posters will be "visited" as in an all-time-accessible scientific conference, having a global influence.
  5. Publishing posters in PosterGate is free for academic institutes, such as universities and research institutes.

Instead of hanging posters on your walls, show them to the world on PosterGate, immediately accessible and readily citable!

Any questions, please send E-mails to 

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